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BankTree Online Personal Finance - Categories
BankTree Online Personal Finance allows the management of categories. Go to the categories side menu to open the categories page.
The web application is pre-loaded with existing categories, these are the same categories that have used in the Desktop application and the Mobile app. However you are not tied down to these categories. If no transactions / schedules are using an existing category you can remove the category.
On the category page you can select the date range this will pull the transactions across all accounts which are allocated the categories shown - showing the income, expense and total for the selected period. The total figures have been converted to the default currency, where you have more than one currency assigned against your accounts.
To add a category click on the Add Category button, the add category dialogue is shown.
This is either the name of your Subcategory or the name of your parent category. If no parent category is selected (in the next field) then this would be the parent category name. If you do select a parent category then this becomes the name of the subcategory
If adding a subcategory, select the parent category here. If adding a parent category do not make a selection here.
Expense / Income
This is used to define how the category is used for expenses or income
At this stage you can SAVE the category, further options are optional. Click the Tax link for further options
Tax Rate (VAT)
By selecting a tax rate (percentage value) you can automatically calculate the sales tax for your transactions. A split transaction is created which is apportioned the net value to the selected category, and the tax value to the Tax Category
Tax Category
This is the category to use when creating the split transaction for the tax amount
On saving the category the category is available in the category page.
Inline Edit Menu
In the Category screen there are further options available by editing the category inline. Click on the drop down arrow for the category row that has been added. This will show the inline menu buttons EDIT, and DELETE
This will show the EDIT dialogue allowing you to edit the category.
Select this to DELETE the category. You can only delete a category if no transaction or schedules are using the category.
Inline Editing
This is available as an alternative to the EDIT menu option, and allows you to change the details of the category within the grid. By clicking a row within the grid you can amend the selection such as Parent, Category, Type, Tax and Tax Category. After making the change click the Tick button to save the change for the row.
The grid is also flexible allowing you to increase or decrease the number of rows that are show from 10 to 100. You can also enter a search text for the grid and all matching entries for the current account will be found.
Merging Categories
To merge multiple categories into a single category - select all the categories you want to merge. From the Selected Edit menu click the EDIT button. The Merge dialogue will be shown. Enter the new category details and press SAVE
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