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BankTree Online Personal Finance - Charts & Reports
In BankTree Online Personal Finance there are five charts under the charts section and nineteen reports under the reports section
To run a chart or report select from the link from the side menu. The default options are to run unfiltered and for the current year.
You can amend the graph shown for each of the charts, select from line, bar, and pie. Selecting a different date range, allows you to select the dates the chart runs for. Selecting the filter button allows you to select further filters and data grouping for the charts.
General Tab
Select the reporting currency and the data grouping (Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year)
Select the accounts to filter, including selection of closed accounts
Select the categories to filter, including selection of parent categories only
Select the payees to filter
To reset a filter press the CLEAR button, and then select the new criteria. Clicking Apply will use the selected criteria.
To save a chart after you have selected the filter - click on the Bookmark button. You will be shown the instructions for your browser, how to save a bookmark for the chart. Adding a bookmark for your chart will allow the chart and the applied filter to be saved.
Selecting a different date range, allows you to select the dates the report runs for. Selecting the filter button allows you to select further filters and data grouping for the charts.
General Tab
Select the reporting currency
SubTotal by; this will differ based on the report you select, allowing you sub total the report by a given selection.
Search; search across payee, category, description and reference
Show Zero Value; when selected will show entries even if the amount is zero
Show Transfers; when selected will show transfers
Select the accounts to filter, including selection of closed accounts
Select the categories to filter, including selection of parent categories only
Select the payees to filter
Securities & Investments
For investment based reports you can filter by securities and investment action
To reset a filter press the CLEAR button, and then select the new criteria. Clicking Apply will use the selected criteria.
To save a report after you have selected the filter - click on the Bookmark button. You will be shown the instructions for your browser, how to save a bookmark for the report. Adding a bookmark for your report will allow the report and the applied filter to be saved.
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