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 BankTree Personal Finance 3.0 - Forecasting


Forecasting and projected balances.

BankTree offers a number of ways to see your future balances, and projections. These are calculated from your recurring payments, which you will need to setup as scheduled transactions. See the article on how to set up schedules.

You can see your selected account balance projected one month in advance by clicking on the Reminders tab (next to schedules). This list your expected transactions and you balance.

For long-term projections, you would need to use the reports. Depending on the type of projection you are looking at, select the appropriate report. For example, if you are looking at a balance figure only then select the ‘Account Balances & Net Worth Report’ If you are looking to compare your previous reporting period then select the ‘Income & Expense comparison report’.

After selecting a report:

  1. Click on the Customise button
  2. From the Timespan dropdown list select 'Generate Forecast' you can then set the dates for the forecast.
  3. Select the From and To dates and then click on OK.
  4. The report will re-run generating projected transactions, balances, totals etc, based on your schedule.

You can go back to amend the dates and rerun the report, or you can amend your schedules, if you want to add to your saving goal scenario.

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