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BankTree Personal Finance 3.0 - Getting Started
To get you up and running you can start by carrying out these actions:
1) Gather all your statements for all your accounts (Bank / Building society accounts, Credit cards, Store cards etc).
You can do this by adding all your accounts into the BankTree Personal Finance software; create a new account for each financial institution. Each cash account in the software is treated the same so you do not need to worry about setting current accounts or credit cards differently.
2) Find your actual spend.
You can do this by importing your bank statements from you online banks; most institutions offer a statement download facility. You can pick Microsoft Money or Quicken file formats as these are compatible with our software. You can also manually add entries to your accounts.
3) Setting up recurring payments, such as direct debit payments
If you have already entered, a transaction and you want to make it a recurring payment. Select your transaction and click on the edit transactions button then go to ‘Make recurring’.
4) Different types of account balances
The accounts bar will list all your accounts with a balance figure next to it. The balance is simply the total sum of all transactions. To change the type of balance shown, right click the account bar to select either the ending balance or the current balance.
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