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BankTree Online Personal Finance - Investment Transactions
Investment Transactions are added to Investment Accounts only, they are used to track shares. BankTree Online Personal Finance allows a number of investment types to be tracked these are Buy, Sell, Dividends, Return of Capital, Re-investments, Add Shares and Remove Shares
To add an investment transaction click on the Add Transaction button for your selected investment account. You can select your account from the ACCOUNTS side menu.
The Add Investment Transaction dialogue is shown:
The available options are Buy, Sell, Dividends, Return of Capital, Reinvestments, Add Shares and Remove Shares. Each investment type will have different requirements in terms of the fields that need to be completed
Select from the prefilled NASDAQ and FTSE securities or enter your own, as you type the details of the security the suggestion list will be populated
Select or enter the account. The selected account, is the account selected for the account page
Cash Account
Select or enter the account. The selected account, is the account selected for the account page. The Cash account is used to hold the cash value of the investment. When calculating the value of the investment this is used to calculate the purchase of the investment
The date for the transaction.
This is the quantity of stock or shares. This is not required for all investment types.
This is the purchase or sell price. This is not required for all investment types.
This is the fee or commission. This is not required for all investment types.
This is the total value of the investment, which is calculated automatically for some of the investment types. Where this is calculated the field is read only.
Add a description / narrative for your transaction
Add a reference or Cheque Number
The status of the transaction, the options available are Uncleared, Cleared and Reconciled. You can also set a default value for the status field. Go to the Settings icon in the top menu bar and select Application. You can then change the default status to one of the options available.
This option is available for Investment type of Buy, Sell, Return of Capital and Dividend. By making a selection for Repeat, details for the schedule item can be entered, thus creating a schedule based on the current transaction. For example, to have a monthly recurring transaction select Monthly for repeat, you can then select the duration. The schedule can be created forever or for a number of events. If you select "events" you will then need to pick the number of events the schedule will run, before ending.
After SAVING a transaction, the transaction is shown on the account it was assigned to.
Inline Edit Menu
In the Investment Account transaction screen there are further options available by editing the transaction, inline. Click on the drop down arrow for the transaction row that has been added. This will show the inline menu buttons EDIT, COPY and DELETE
This will show the EDIT dialogue allowing you to edit the transaction.
The transaction is copied to the current account.
Select this to DELETE the transaction
Inline Editing
This is available as an alternative to the EDIT menu option, and allows you to change the details of the transaction within the grid. By clicking a transaction within the grid you can amend the selection such as Investment, Date, Security, Action, Account, Ref, Description, Shares, Price, Fees and Status. After making the change click the Tick button to save the change for the transaction row.
The transaction row will also show on two lines automatically as the grid is kept in view.
The grid is also flexible allowing you to increase or decrease the number of rows that are show from 10 to 100. You can also enter a search text for the grid and all matching entries for the current account will be found.
Bulk Editing
This allows making changes to a number of transactions in one go. You first select the transactions, just by clicking the row, so the row becomes highlighted. To select ALL; check the tick box for the header at the top. After making your selection the SELECTED EDIT drop down menu will become enabled. The bulk edit menu will allow you to EDIT, COPY and DELETE. The functionality for this is the same as that previously discussed for the inline menu options.
Selecting the EDIT menu will bring up the BULK EDIT dialogue, this is slightly different to the EDIT and ADD dialogue as it allows you to select ONE or MANY options to be applied to the selected transactions.
Editing Columns
Next to the ADD TRANSACTION button is the columns setting cog, by clicking this you can hide or show columns for the transaction view. You need to have at least one column visible. After making your selection press the SAVE button.
Transactions are normally ordered in chronological order by Date. You can also change the ordering by selecting a different column and ordering by that column, by just clicking the column header. The direction arrows on the column will show which column the transactions are ordered by.
Portfolio View
You can switch to the Portfolio view and back to the Transaction view, by clicking on the View Portfolio button or the View Transactions. While in view portfolio the investment summary is shown, showing the market value of the investment, the cost basis, and gain of the investment.
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