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 BankTree Desktop Personal Finance - Banking Subscription Service


BankTree Desktop Personal Finance banking subscription service supports downloading of live transactions directly from your bank or financial institution. Click Here to check if your bank is supported.

Subscribe to banking subscription service

To subscribe to the banking subscription service, you can make a purchase on the Order Page. Enter your details, including your email address, which will be used to access the subscription service from the BankTree Desktop 3.0 application. If you have previously purchased the BankTree desktop application enter the same registered email address so your previous order is recognised. On the payment screen you can select either the monthly or yearly service and proceed to the payment page. If you are running the 30-day trial you can just select the monthly subscription service so you can see how this would work during your trial.

You can also subscribe directly from the BankTree Desktop 3.0 Personal Finance application. Go to the Banking Menu and select Subscribe to Online Banking. Following the on screen instructions which will launch the same Order Page that has been discussed previously.

After making your payment you will be sent an email, to the email address you have used to register (check your Junk or Spam folder if you have not received any email). It will contain a link to set up a password, so you can access the subscription service from the BankTree application.

Setup Online Banking:

Subscriber Logon

Subscriber Login

After running the BankTree Desktop Personal Finance go to the Banking menu and select Setup Online Banking. You are shown the Logon screen; and requested to enter your subscriber logon for online banking. You need to enter your registered email address and your password which you have set in the previous step. Then click on the Logon button. If you have not subscribed you can also do this on this screen by clicking on the Subscribe button. If you have forgotten your password (or you need to request a new password because you did not receive one) you can also reset this here.

Online Banking Setup - Create Login

Create Login

In order to access your accounts and transactions held by your bank you need to create a login. Click on the New Login button.

Create new login

Your default web browser will launch, for you to select your online bank and enter your bank login details. Please follow the instructions on the screen. Click on the CONFIRM button to go to the next stage.

Read only consent

You then need to provide your consent to provide read only access. Press ALLOW to proceed.

Select country

You then need to select the country for your bank.

Select bank

Then select your bank.

Provide Banks Authorisation

You need to enter login details into your Banks web site, and confirm the accounts which you are accessing. Once you have provided authorisation for your accounts to be accessed you are taken back to the application screen.

Transactions Imported

On completion all accounts will be automatically created and transactions imported and automatically assigned a category.

Online Banking Setup - Existing Logins

Existing Logins

Existing Logins tab. You can manage your consent for a login or import a login.

To use a login select a login on the left, and press the Import button once selected. All the accounts and transactions using the same login details will be imported. Logins are refreshed every 60 minutes, so no new data will be available before that time.

To Manage your consent, to either extend your consent or remove access for the BankTree subscription service, press the Manage consent button.

The Delete button will remove local bank logins that you have removed from the manage consent screen. 

To update logins you have created in BankTree Online, press the Refresh button

Online Banking Setup - Link Accounts

Link Accounts

To link your accounts to a login and view properties click on the Link Accounts. You can amend your account assigned. You can also set the import options:

Selecting the Import type, You can also choose how duplicated records are dealt with. Import All; Imports all records without duplicate checking (this is done for all records over 3 months) - use this option if this is the first import done.

The following import options will restrict the start date for the import, to be from 10 days before the last imported transaction. We select 10 days before the last imported transaction, so we can process any transactions that were pending.

  • Online Match; Imports any record that has not been imported from the start date. This will not check manually entered transactions, file imported transactions or transactions that have been automatically scheduled.
  • Exact Match; skips any record which matches on date, amount and payee from the start date. This will also check manual and schedule transactions.
  • Pattern Match; Imports all records from the start date but flags transactions for matching that are 7 days before or after the import date and for the same amount. This will also check manual and schedule transactions.

You can also choose to use the categories in the BankTree application by un-checking the option Import Categories. If you have an account you do not want to import you should not delete it, as this will delete all associated logins with it as well. You can use the option Skip Import, to skip the import for that account. To amend details for an account select this in the left window, the details will then appear on the right. Make any necessary changes and press the SAVE button.

Moving Transactions into your Existing Accounts

On the Link accounts tab, a list of accounts that have been imported is displayed. The first import that you do will automatically create a set of new accounts that holds your bank account number and sort code. The initial import will import two months of transactions. To use your existing accounts:

  • Select the account login on the left window (the details for that account login will be displayed on the right)
  • You can then select your existing account from the drop down list of Account, and press the save button.

If you need to re-run the import for all the transactions, you can select the option import All, making sure to press the save button when done.

To move the transactions that have been imported in the new accounts.

  • Select the new account from the accounts bar, or account menu.
  • Select all the transactions you want to move by ticking the check box individually or selecting the check box on the column header to select all.
  • Then click the Edit Transactions button.
  • You can now move these transactions by selecting the option Move to Account and select the account you want to move the transactions to.

Downloading Transactions

After creating your logins you can download all new transactions. If your bank has an interactive login process whereby they require you to provide a memorable word or pass key from a sign on device or mobile, then you need to refresh your existing logins.

  • Go to the Banking menu and select Setup Online Banking
  • Enter you Subscriber Logon details and press the Logon button
  • On the Online Banking Setup screen select Existing Logins
  • If you need to change the import settings for the login, you need to go to the Link Accounts tab and select the account you can do this for each account, making sure to press the SAVE button to save the changes.
  • Once you are ready to do the import go back to Existing Logins tab then press the Import button.

If your logins are not interactive, you can try the direct download option, this will only download your transactions if you do not have to confirm additional security login details.

  • Go to the Banking menu and select Download Transactions
  • Enter you Subscriber Logon details and press the Logon button
  • Transactions will downloaded

Managing your Consent

Manage Consent

Your bank login will stay active for 90 days, after which you will need to provide your consent again to allow Truelayer to access your data. If your bank stops working or a red cross is shown in the status field then the login has expired. You need to make sure you have pop-ups enabled in your browser, then click on the download button and the software will connect to your bank asking you to confirm access. You can also manage the consent by clicking on the manage consent button this will allow you to extend your current consent or remove this. You must pick the option to CONFIRM CONSENT. We do not advise your remove the consent as this will stop our application for accessing your bank details.

Please note you can not add the same bank more than once. You will need to provide your consent for access to all of your accounts in one go. If a new account becomes available that you did no provide consent for before, you will need to remove your consent for the bank login and add it again using the manage consent button. To access some else’s bank accounts you need to use a new subscription.


Frequently Asked Questions

Which UK Banks do you support?

We support over 50 banks and financial institutions in UK and Europe at the moment, you can check using this link for which ones are available.

How many Banks will my monthly subscription cover?

Your monthly subscription will give you access to 3 banks, this includes deleted logins. Any additional banks are charged at £1 per bank per month.

Do I need a separate subscription per computer?

You only need ONE, subscription it can be used on multiple computers without additional charge. For each computer you are using you will need to make sure you have the BankTree personal finance software installed. For each installation per computer, this is just a one-off fee of £5.00.

How many months of transactions can I download?

You can download three months of transactions, this is the limit set by the banking provider.

Will you have access to my Bank Details?

No, we do not store details of your Bank logons on our servers. Your details are stored locally on your computer and passed via the TrueLayer service to access your accounts.

How secure is my data ?

TrueLayer uses high level banking security 2048 bit encryption on its web site when you access its service.

How can I trial the online banking service?

If you are running the 30-day trial of BankTree Personal Finance software, you can purchase a one month subscription. This will be a one-off payment, and not a recurring charge, and can not be cancelled.

How can I cancel my subscription?

If you have already purchased the BankTree Personal Finance software (before purchasing the subscription service), then the subscription package will be either a recurring monthly payment or a recurring yearly payment. You can cancel this at any time before the next payment is due.

If you have a recurring subscription and the payment was made through PAYPAL.

  • Log In to your PayPal account and select the settings COG at the top of the screen.
  • Select the Payments Tab, and then select Manage Pre Approved Payments.
  • Select the Monthly/Yearly  BankTree Banking subscription and cancel this.
  • You can continue to use the service until the subscription period ends.

If you purchased the BankTree personal finance software with your subscription, then this will end automatically on the day the subscription ends.


Updated: 1st March 2023


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