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 How to download your statement from your bank directly


To import your bank transaction into the BankTree Personal Finance application directly

  1. Go to the File menu and select Settings. Select the option Associate QIF and OFX file types with BankTree Personal Finance.
  2. Next login to your online bank and select the statement you want to download. Select the option for Microsoft Money or Quicken this will select the file type OFX or QIF (QFX is also supported).
  3. When prompted select the option to Open the file.
  4. The file will then import in the BankTree Personal Finance application.

If the file does not open in the BankTree Personal Finance application (You do not have Ms Money or Quicken Installed)

  1. If Windows does not know how to open the file you will be presented with the Windows dialogue"Windows can't open this file" select the option "Select a program from a list of installed programs". and Click on the OK button.
  2. On the Open with windows dialogue click on the Browse button
  3. Locate the following folder:
    • C:\Program Files\BankTree 3.0
    • Then, click the Banktree3.exe file.
    • And finally click on the Open button
    This assumes you have installed the BankTree software in its default location, you just need to select the file from the location you have installed the software from.
  4. Tick the option "always use the selected program to open this kind of file" Then click on the OK button.
  5. The file will then import in the BankTree Personal Finance application.

If the file does not open in the BankTree Personal Finance application (You do have Ms Money or Quicken Installed)

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Default Programs.
  3. Click Associate a file type or protocol with a program.
  4. In the Name column, click .ofx, or .qif (which ever file type you are trying to download) and then click Change program.
  5. Click Browse.
  6. Locate the following folder:
    • C:\Program Files\BankTree 3.0
    • Then, click the Banktree3.exe file.
    • And finally click on the Open button
    This assumes you have installed the BankTree software in its default location, you just need to select the file from the location you have installed the software from.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Restart your internet browser, logging into your online bank to download your statement again.

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