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Helping you to Manage your Money

  • 2.10.7 - Fix for Google Mutual funds, Bloomberg stock and funds
  • Supports Multiple data files
  • Supports Archive files
  • Automated Backups
  • More user control over schedule items
  • Simplified Categories making them easier to use
  • Add Attachments to transactions
  • Improved CSV file import
  • Add Keywords for Transactions
  • Full Windows Xp, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 User Interface Enhancements
  • Improved Reports with Drill-Downs, Summary Reports
  • New Graphical Charts for ease of use
  • New options page allowing you to set default values
  • Plus many more changes

To get these changes download the software from our website.

To update an existing version:

  1. Uninstall the previous version of BankTree Personal Finance (2.0.8 - 17 July 2009) from the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Run the Install Manager software to install the new version of BankTree Personal Finance 2.10.7 (download from Here if this is missing).

If you do not follow these instructions you may get all entries in the Paid In columns, and when amending categories get the error message the field tblCategory.Sign can not contain a null value.

For each data file:

  1. Download and copy the Data Utility to the location of your data file. Your data file must be called BankTree.dat
  2. Run the utility to correct the data, after which the data should be ok.
  3. Should the expenses be still shown as credits then simply re-run the data utility.

NB: Reconciled funds balance will include all reconciled funds plus all cleared funds. The cleared funds balance will be zero. Go to the view menu to see the different options.

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