BankTree Personal Finance supports a variety of file import formats that include support for Microsoft Money and Quicken OFX, QFX, QIF file formats. Support for native CSV (comma separated value) ASCII or binary format is also included. The OFX and QIF file formats are industry standard formats. Any application that has generated these formats should be compatible. Multiple account files for QIF and QFX, OFX files are also supported.
Importing QIF Files: The following transactions can be imported: bank transactions, cash transactions, credit card transactions, investment transactions, other liability transactions, and other asset transactions.
Importing OFX/QFX Files: The following transactions can be imported: bank transactions, cash transactions, credit card transactions, investment transactions.
If you have a Microsoft Money file, such as a MNY extension or a Quicken data file with a QDF extension, this won’t import. The file has to be a QIF, QFX or OFX file. This can easily be done by exporting a QIF, QFX, OFX from the relevant application.
Importing your data
To import a file, follow these steps:
- Go to the Import option, select the File menu, and select File Import.
After selecting your file, you’ll see the import dialogue box.
- Select the account you’re importing into or click Add Account to add a new account.
If you have a single QIF QFX, or OFX file you can import this in one go by selecting the option to < Import All Accounts Automatically >, otherwise you would need to export and import accounts one at a time.
After this step, click the Accept button.
For QIF, QFX and OFX files
you need to select the date format
- Select the date format that matches your import file.
Choose from Day/Month/Year, Month/Day/Year or Year/Month/Day.
After this step, click the Accept button.
For CSV file imports
you are required to make further selections for your import file.
- CSV Separator: Enter the character used as a separator for each field.
- No of Lines to Skip: Enter the number of lines that may contain summary information or header information.
The import can only work on lines which contain actual data.
- Date Format: Select the date format that matches your import file
This will be carried forward from the previous screen.
- Date Column: Select the column that matches the import file column containing the date
In the above example col 1 contains the date information.
- Payee Column: Select the column that matches the import file column containing the payee.
In the above example col 2 would contain this information.
- Category Column: Select the column that matches the import file column containing the category.
This field is not mandatory and can be left unselected if there is no category to import.
- Income Column: Select the column that matches the import file column containing the Income or credit entries.
In the above example col 3 would contain this information.
- Expense Column: Select the column that matches the import file column containing the Expense or debit entries
in the above example col 3 would contain this information.
- If the income and expense is contained in the same column select the same column value for the income and the expense.
After this step, click the Accept button.
Before the import proceeds you will be asked if you want to use the matching facility, to match existing entries, or import all the records as ne entries. On confirmation the import will continue.
Import from Microsoft Money
To export a QIF file from Microsoft Money, follow these steps:
- Launch MS Money.
- Click File->Export.
- Select Loose QIF and click OK.
- Specify the name of the QIF file and click OK.
- Leave the selection as Regular and click OK.
- Select an account to be exported, and click Continue.
You should see "The export is complete." You can now follow the above steps to import the QIF file into BankTree Personal Finance software.
Import from Quicken
To export a QIF file from Quicken, follow these steps:
- Launch Quicken.
- Click on the File menu, select Export, and select QIF file.
- Click on the Browse button, navigate to your desktop, and enter "all accounts" to the File name field and press OK.
Important: The name of the file should be "all accounts", not "allaccounts" or "all account". If there is an error in the name of the file, it will be treated as a regular QIF file for a single account.
- Set Quicken Account to Export from drop down list to <All Accounts>.
- In the Include in Export section, check Transactions and Account List.
Nothing else should be checked.
- Press OK.
Exporting may take a few minutes. Please be patient.
You can now follow the above steps to import the QIF file into BankTree Personal Finance software.