Balance Account

As of 24th December 2013 version 2.0 is no longer available for purchase. This is a general discussion and self help section for version 2.0, for people to post stuff they have found useful.
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Joined:Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:44 pm
Balance Account

Post by stiz » Mon Jul 06, 2009 10:15 pm

I have Personal Finance 2.0.8 and there seems to be problems with the Balance Account dialog.

I checked the "show reconciled" box and that cleared all of my bank entries as reconciled - even though I was only part-way through. I could not go back - unchecking the box made no difference. I also tried unchecking individual items in the dialog, but when going back to the main account screen they were still shown as reconciled.

Is this a fault ?

Also - in the main account screen I resorted to right-clicking the entries and removing the reconciled status. But that was a pain as after each un-check the cursur went straight to the first account entry each time. Annoying, but not as bad as the reconcile dialog.

Regards, Stiz.

BankTree Support
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Joined:Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:18 am

Post by BankTree Support » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:32 pm

Balance Account dialogue the "show reconciled" box checked will show all entries that HAVE been reconciled. Until you check all the items, and hit the Apply button this will not get processed. When you first run this the default option is to show entries to be reconciled "show reconciled box u-checked.

You can select multiple entries in the account transaction screen by holding down SHIFT / CTRL and clicking with the left mouse button to select. To get the pop up window to reconcile right mouse click during your selection, by selecting this all entries will be marked as reconciled / not reconciled.

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