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 BankTree Online Personal Finance - Securities


BankTree Online Personal Finance allows the management of securities, provided you have a Premier subscription. Go to the securities side menu to open the securities page.

The securities page is pre-populated with the NASDAQ and FTSE securities These are setup to automatically download the latest prices every few hours. If you do not require these securities you can delete them. If no transactions / schedules are using an existing security you can remove the security.

On the security page you can select the date range this will pull the transactions across all investment accounts which are allocated for the securities that are shown - showing shares In, and shares Out, and total for the selected period. The total figures have been converted to the default currency, where you have more than one currency assigned against your accounts.


To add a security click on the Add Security button, the add security dialogue is shown.


This is the security name. Duplicate security names are not allowed


This is the Symbol or Ticker used to define the security.


This is the currency of the security.

On saving the security the security is available in the security page.

Manual and Automated Securities

For manually added securities, price history is not downloaded automatically. You need to enter a price for them manually. If there is a security, for which you would like the price information to be downloaded automatically then you submit this yourself using the submit security form. Click on the Submit Security button (at the top of the page) with details of the security. This will be checked against FT and added as an automated security.

The Import Securities button is used to import additional securities that have automated price history information. To update your existing securities to automated securities, your existing security must have the exact symbol as the automated security. For example you have a manual security for APPLE and have set the symbol as NASDAQ:AAPL. Our automated security for APPLE requires the symbol to be AAPL. Delete the automated security and amend the manual security to have the symbol of AAPL. Click on the Update Securities button to update the manual APPLE security to become automated. Currently there are over 1,000 automated securities, if you proceed all of these securities will be imported.

Inline Edit Menu

In the security screen there are further options available by editing the security inline. Click on the drop down arrow for the security row that has been added. This will show the inline menu buttons EDIT, HISTORY, and DELETE


This will show the EDIT dialogue allowing you to edit the security.


Select this to view and amend the price history for the security.


Select this to DELETE the security. You can only delete a security if no transaction or schedules are using the security.

Merging Securities

To merge multiple securities into a single security - select all the securities you want to merge. From the Selected Edit menu click the EDIT button. The Merge dialogue will be shown. Enter the new security details and press SAVE

History (Manual)

You can add price history details, for any securities you have entered manually. On the History dialogue, for your selected security click on the ADD EDIT/SHARE PRICE button

This will show the Share/Fund price dialogue. You only need to enter a value for Price and select a Date. You can only have one price value per day. Press the SAVE button when done. To edit the price you have entered you just renter the new value for the same selected date. The software will overwrite the last price on the selected date. To remove a price press the delete button.

Security Price Comparison

Select up to 3 securities to compare their prices. From the Selected Edit drop down click the History option to compare the prices.


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